Interviews are a lot of work and require serious preparation. Review your recent performance and have examples of how You
1) Solved a complex issue,
2) Displayed leadership,
3) Exhibited team spirit.
Focus on accomplishments. Review in detail the requirements of this new post. Wear a nice suit and be clean-shaved. Anticipate possible questions and have some well prepared responses.
Be ready to ASK GOOD QUESTIONS.nervous is natural, especially for an important experience you are about to go through.
Some suggestions:- Review the company, the division and the people you are going to work for. Learn as much about them, their products, their vision, their mission, etc... Study online resources for this information, but also get on the phone, even seek meetings (informal ones) with others in the company, or with those who know the company. This is considered a normal/natural part of your job seeking homework, by the way. Learn all you can, as it’s in your best interest.
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